We are a small family-owned company, in the Dallas, GA area serving the Atlanta Metro Area and beyond.
We started our company in 2018. The company idea was that of an 11-year-old dreamer named Emery, with an entrepreneurial mindset. Emery wanted to have a Nerf Wars birthday party. After the party, Emery said, “What are we going to do with all the stuff we made and bought for the party?” This led to his amazing idea “Let’s create a company to organize parties and events for other people!” We agreed and decided to get everything started for him thus creating Dart Wars 2U, LLC. If you book an event you may have the pleasure of meeting Emery as he commentates and referees all of the war games.
Emery is an amazing honor student and entrepreneur. He is mature beyond his years. He has many interests which include Trading Stocks and Cryptocurrency (He has taught us all about it), Playing football, esports Tournaments, video gaming, website designs, animations, DECA, Videography, and a host of other talents. We are extremely proud of Emery and continue to support his many endeavors at such a young age. Emery has appeared on "Life in the ATL with Marcus Ryan", voice-overs for the New Zillagigs App, along with an advertising spot with Kandi Burruss, he continues to get invites for interviews.

Our Dart Wars Master
DJ Spider

Emery at 11 years old
Emery now at 17 years old

Life in the ATL with Marcus Ryan